Monday, March 9, 2009

I got up at 6:00am this morning, it was another late night and early morning. I slept better than I expected to, I guess being exhausted helped......ha ha ha   
We started the morning off with a devotion from Dan. It was a very good one. He reminded us that with our full schedules that we all seem to have today that we have little time to study the Word of God and pray. Someone once said: "If the first minute of the day is for God, the whole day will be.  If the first minute is not spent with God, neither will the remainder of the day."  Wow!! Did that ever speak volumes to me!  I am so guilty of not making time. I really do plan on working on that. 
We then ate breakfast and had some personal quiet time and had to be ready to leave by 8:30am. Sometime in the middle of the night I was wakened by a cat meowing. Of course I don't remember the house leader, Sergio, telling us that they had a cat, but I know I heard it walking down the hall meowing and then it came to our door and meowed. Thank goodness our door was shut, I think it would have come in.....LOL. We found out later that there was a hole in the screen in the window of the utility room and we think that maybe that is how the stray cat got in because Sergio said that they do not have a cat.........ha ha ha
We loaded into the vans and our drivers took us to the orphanage in Ivancea. It seemed like it was in the middle of nowhere, we seemed to keep driving forever. When we finally got there, it wasn't exactly what I was was a little better actually. As we were walking around the building to get in, there were some girls standing in the windows waving their arms out to us, it was so precious, they were saying "hi" to us. Once we were in, we (workers) gathered in the gym and started putting the beds together. There is a chuch from Orhei that came over to help us. I can't believe it but ALL 80 beds were put together. We definitely had an assembly line going, then the older orphan boys came in and were so excited and started helping us put them together. then we started putting the beds up in the rooms with the new bedding. They were so very excited and the smiles on their face proved it. It is wonderful to be able to be a part of this. We were finished by 12:40, so we went to lunch, which meant back to Orhei (30 minute drive) for lunch to this pizza place. We had to have our translator, Eugene, translate the menu. Arlene and I split a pizza, which was a good thing because it was about 12". 
We made it back to the orphanage and had craft time with the kids. In one word it was say the least! The kids were so happy to have choices, they all wanted a journal, frame or pencil to decorate (we ran out of the journals and pencils) We took ALOT of pictures, which if I can figure out how to put on here, you can see. But if not then I will show you when I get home.
Thank you for your prayers, I would have never made it this far without all of your support! 
Remember to take time to pray and read God's word. 

Til next time, love you and God bless you!


  1. Sounds like everything is going great. I'm so glad. I hope you figure out how to download the pictures. I can't wait to see them. Get a good night's sleep. Have a great time tomorrow. (What is the difference in the time?) I love you!

  2. I'm so glad that you are having a good time. It sounds like the kids really love you all being there putting beds together for them. It was really sweet of the older boys to come in and help out. Well enjoy the rest of your time there and I will see you when you get back and have lunch with Glenda again. I love you lots.

  3. Nita,

    Wow! What a wonderful time you seem to be having...and it's only the first day. I can only imagine how precious the children are. To see their smiling faces and know that they are truly grateful to see ya'll their. You are seeing God's love firsthand. Embrace the miracles you are going to witness this week. And can always catch up on your sleep on the plane!!!

  4. I am so glad you are blogging this, and in a few weeks when you get home and reread all this, you will be too! Your week is going to go by so fast!! Of course it won't seem that way when you get up at 6:00 a.m. and have a cat prowling the halls at night! LOL That will make for loooong days. :-) I almost feel like I am there with you! It sounds so awesome though!!

    You are in my thoughts and prayers!!

    Love ya! Michelle
